Finally, there are some Misc (miscellaneous) actions:
[U]pdate email & database
executes the shell-command in the variable
, and afterwards updates the mu
database; see Indexing your messages and Getting mail for
[R]eset query-results baseline
this reset the current ’baseline’
for query and updates the screen; see Bookmarks and Maildirs.
toggle [m]ail sending mode (direct)
toggles between sending
mail directly, and queuing it first (for example, when you are offline),
and [f]lush queued mail
flushes any queued mail. This item is
visible only if you have actually set up mail-queuing. Queuing mail
[A]bout mu4e
provides general information about the program
shows help information for this view
[q]uit mu4e
quits your mu4e