2.3 Installation

mu4e is part of mu — by installing the latter, the former is installed as well. Some Linux distributions provide packaged versions of mu/mu4e; if you can use those, there is no need to compile anything yourself. However, if there are no packages for your distribution, if they are outdated, or if you want to use the latest development versions, you can follow the steps below.

2.3.1 Dependencies

The first step is to get some build dependencies. The details depend a bit on your system’s setup / distribution.

2.3.2 Getting mu

The next step is to get the mu sources. There are two alternatives:

2.3.3 Building mu

What all that in place, let’s build and install mu and mu4e. Enter the directory where you unpacked or cloned mu. Then:

$ ./configure && make
$ sudo make install

Note: if you are familiar with meson, you can of course use its commands directly; the make commands are just a thin wrapper around that.

2.3.4 Installation

After this, mu and mu4e should be installed 3 on your system, and be available from the command line and in Emacs.

You may need to restart Emacs, so it can find mu4e in its load-path. If, even after restarting, Emacs cannot find mu4e, you may need to add it to your load-path explicitly; check where mu4e is installed, and add something like the following to your configuration before trying again:

;; the exact path may differ --- check it
(add-to-list 'load-path "/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/mu4e")

2.3.5 mu4e and emacs customization

There is some support for using the Emacs customization system in mu4e, but for now, we recommend setting the values manually. Please refer to Example configurations for a couple of examples of this; here we go through things step-by-step.



there’s a hard dependency between versions of mu4e and mu — you cannot combine different versions