4.3 Marking

You can mark messages for a certain action, such as deletion or move. After one or more messages are marked, you can then execute (mu4e-mark-execute-all, x) these actions. This two-step mark-execute sequence is similar to what e.g. dired does. It is how mu4e tries to be as quick as possible, while avoiding accidents.

The mark/unmark commands support the region (i.e., “selection”) — so, for example, if you select some messages and press DEL, all messages in the region are marked for deletion.

You can mark all messages that match a certain pattern with %. In addition, you can mark all messages in the current thread (T) or sub-thread (t).

When you do a new search or refresh the headers buffer while you still have marked messages, you are asked what to do with those marks — whether to apply them before leaving, or ignore them. This behavior can be influenced with the variable mu4e-headers-leave-behavior.

For more information about marking, see Marking.