mu-guile user manual

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mu-guile manual

Welcome to mu-guile!

mu is a program for indexing and searching your e-mails. It can search your messages in many different ways, but sometimes that may not be enough. If you have very specific queries, or want do generate some statistics, you need some more power.

mu-guile is made for those cases. mu-guile exposes the internals of mu and its database to the guile programming language. Guile is the GNU Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extensions - a version of the Scheme programming language and the official GNU extension language.

Guile/Scheme is a member of the Lisp family of programming languages – like emacs-lisp, Racket, Common Lisp. If you’re not familiar with Scheme, mu-guile is an excellent opportunity to learn a bit about!

Trust me, it’s not very hard – and it it’s fun!

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